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How it works

Steps 1 to 4 can be done in a relatively short period of time.  Whilst the task is straightforward, it is sometimes easier to get the help of someone else to record your thoughts and help direct the conversation.


Step 5 will very possibly take some weeks and months for past experiences to be understood as to why they were positive.

Step 1

Draft a horizontal timeline from the year you were born

Homer smart.jpg
Timeline 1.jpg

Step 2

Consider all the prime influences in your life and list them in a vertical column – this is just a suggested list – you may have other criteria e.g. languages, art, individual skills

Timeline 2.png

Step 3

Populate the timeline with Good and Bad recollections of your experiences

Timeline 3.png

Step 4

Pick the positive experiences and write some short notes as to what it was specifically that you found positive about those experiences

Step 5

Assimilation – this is where you can let yourself ponder over your experiences, which may take a long time. You might find that experiences want to be revisited and developed, or they might lead you off down a new path altogether

Paying attention

There is a great deal of material available describing mindfulness and the associated benefits. A simplified summary ofmindfulness is that it’s just about paying attention. Paying attention to :

•    What you are doing

•    Who you are doing it with

•    What feedback you are getting

This process is about paying attention to what you have done, understanding why you have done it, what you enjoyed/disliked about it and how that can influence your choices in the future. That should lead to you rationing and reallocating your attention.

Actually doing it

None of the above is difficult but it takes some application and discipline to actually write things down. That’s why working with someone on this can be beneficial.

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